
The overview shows you up-to-date information about your server.


General information

User accounts

Displays the administrator and user accounts currently existing on the server.


Number of currently existing domains on the server.


Number of currently existing subdomains on the server.

MySQL Databases

Number of currently existing MySQL databases.

FTP user

Number of additional FTP accounts created by your users. The main FTP accounts of the users are not included.

Email addresses

Number of all created e-mail addresses.


Number of all created e-mail accounts.

Scheduled tasks Number of all cron jobs created.
Traffic this month Sum of the data traffic of all user accounts on the server.



Here you will find information about upcoming KeyHelp updates, important security messages and new features of the KeyHelp panel.


KeyHelp version information

Installed version

Displays the KeyHelp version currently installed on the server.

Latest version

Here you can see the latest KeyHelp version number. If this is already installed, this is displayed accordingly.

See history of changes

Opens a page with information about the releases of each KeyHelp version and the related new features, changes and bug fixes.


Software Updates

Here you get an overview of the available updates of the software installed on your server. You also receive a message if the server requires a restart to install the updates completely.

KeyHelp automatically installs updates via "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade", if activated by you. It is possible that various updates are held back and cannot be imported using the command mentioned.
If you want to install the held back updates, you must run the "apt-get dist-upgrade" command from the console manually.

Number of available updates

Displays the total number of available updates.

Number of available security updates

Shows how many of the available updates are security updates.



To edit the notes field, click on it or the pencil icon. Changes are automatically saved when the field loses focus, i.e. click anywhere on the page so that the field no longer has a yellow background.


Panel Tasks

All changes you make in KeyHelp and certain administrative tasks, such as calculating disk space or performing updates, are implemented on the system via cron jobs (time-based execution of processes to automate repetitive tasks).

This overview shows you the last execution time of each cronjob. Under Panel Tasks Intervals, you can learn how to change the cronjob execution times.


System Overview

Server time

Displays the currently set time, the current date and the time zone of the server.

System uptime

Displays the runtime of the server since the last restart.

CPU usage

Shows the load of the server of the last minute, the last 5 minutes, the last 15 minutes and the number of CPU cores.

Hard disk usage

Displays the disk space usage.

Memory usage

Displays the current memory usage.

Swap usage

Displays the current usage of the swap memory.


Displays the IP addresses assigned to the server.


Displays the hostname of the server. 


Displays the type of processor built into the server.

Operating system

Displays the operating system installed on the server.

Web server

Shows the used web server.

PHP version

Shows the currently installed PHP version.

MySQL version

Shows the currently installed MySQL version.

FTP server

Displays the currently installed FTP server version.

Database administration

Displays the name and version of the currently installed web interface for managing databases.


Displays the name and version of the currently installed webmail interface.


Note: Changing the installed versions, especially MySQL and PHP, can lead to a partial or complete failure of KeyHelp. Before making major system changes, it is essential to make a complete backup!

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