KeyHelp is an easy-to-use administration software with a wide range of functions for Linux servers, which you can use free of charge.
With this admin panel you can manage an unlimited number of domains without deep technical knowledge or tedious familiarization.
With its clear design and modern operating concept, it is waiting to be discovered by you. Clarity paired with a large range of functions, are the things that KeyHelp is most appreciated for. These premises guide us in every further development. A stringent user guidance and menu design form the basis for ensuring that every user quickly gets along with the system and avoids frustrating and tedious familiarization.
To make it even easier for you to get started, we have prepared the following documentation. We recommend that you read this carefully. For most questions you will find an answer there.
In spite of intensive and long tests, we can not rule out that there might be an error in some places or the handling is unclear. If you are aware of any inconsistencies, please let us know. Customers of Keyweb AG can conveniently use the ticket system.
Do not hesitate to send us your suggestions for changes.
The KeyHelp development team continues to work on the refinement and successive expansion of the functionality of the administration tool.
And now have fun discovering KeyHelp!
Article Number: 60
Posted: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 - 12:23 PM
Last Updated: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 - 12:23 PM
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