Panel Settings

On this settings page, you can define basic settings that directly influence the behavior of KeyHelp.




Set the default language for the KeyHelp interface. From now on, the selected language is preselected in various drop-down fields within the interface.


Account Settings

These settings make attacks on certain accounts more difficult and thus reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Maximum number of login attempts

Specify the number of incorrect login attempts into the KeyHelp interface after which the corresponding account is locked.

Expiration time for unsuccessful login attempts

Determine the duration of automatic blocking.

Session validity

Specifies the period of inactivity after which an automatic logout of a user from KeyHelp should take place.



We recommend that you use high standards for the quality of your passwords! Many problems can be avoided by using secure passwords. Avoid insecure password constructs such as "123456" or "password".

Password minimum length

Specify how many characters a password must consist of, which is assigned in the KeyHelp.

Password complexity

Define how complex a given password must be. You can determine which elements a password must contain in order to be considered complex.

Length of the automatically generated password

KeyHelp offers you a password generator in different places. Here you can determine how long these automatically generated passwords should be.

The complexity of the passwords depends on the settings you have made.



Custom user / database names

When creating new databases, KeyHelp assigns automatically generated names according to the scheme "<USERNAME>_db<SERIAL_NUMBER>".

Activate this option if you want to enable your users to use freely customizable database and database user names.


FTP Users

Custom FTP usernames

When creating new FTP users, KeyHelp assigns automatically generated names according to the scheme "<USERNAME>_ftp<SERIAL_NUMBER>".

Activate this option if you want to allow your users to use freely customizable FTP user names.


Tools - phpMyAdmin

Is enabled

Enable or disable access to phpMyAdmin. When deactivated, the corresponding menu item is hidden and web access to the phpMyAdmin folder is disabled.

Target-URL for panel navigation

Specify the address to be used as a link for phpMyAdmin in the navigation bar.

This is especially interesting if you are maintaining a separate installation of phpMyAdmin.


Tools - Webmail

Is enabled

Activate or deactivate access to the webmailer. When deactivated, the corresponding menu item will be hidden and web access to the webmail folder will be disabled.

Webmail client

Select the desired webmail client from the drop-down menu. The change of the webmail client takes about one minute.

Product name

You can enter the product name of the webmailer. Depending on the selected webmail client, this is displayed in various places within the webmail client (e.g. in the page title, etc.).

Target-URL for panel navigation

Specify the address to be used in the navigation bar as a link for the webmail client.

This is especially interesting if you are maintaining a separate webmail installation.

Behavior of the webmail.* subdomain

In addition to the standard call via "https://<KEYHELP_DOMAIN>/webmail", the webmailer is also available via the subdomain "webmail.<DOMAIN_NAME> ", for each of the domains created in KeyHelp.

Use the radio buttons to determine what should happen when you call the webmail subdomain:

  • Forwarding: The user is forwarded to the webmailer within the KeyHelp domain. The domain name in the address bar is changed.
  • Keep the called domain name: The called domain name remains in the address bar. An unsecured call via http:// is redirected to https://.
    Note: You can set the certificate to secure the webmail domains using Specify Certificates for Server Services.
  • Keep the called domain name (insecure): The called domain name remains in the address bar. An unsecured call via http:// will NOT be redirected to https://.


If you have chosen the webmail client Roundcube, you have further options available:

Support URL

Enter the support URL, which will then appear e.g. below the log-in of Roundcube.

Start the URL with http:// or https://.


You can easily activate Roundcube plugins by entering them as comma-separated list in the input field "Plugins".


Traffic Limit Exceedance

E-Mail-Adresse für Benachrichtigung

Enter an email address to which notifications are to be sent if a user exceeds the assigned traffic contingent in the current month.

If you do not enter an address, no notification is sent.


SSL/TLS Certificates

Notification email address

Enter an email address to which notifications should be sent if an SSL/TLS certificate expires or if problems occur during automatic Let's Encrypt certificate renewal.

If you do not enter an address, all administrator accounts will be notified.

Certificate expiration notification

Specify how many days before the expiration of a certificate you want to be informed.


Especially for Let's Encrypt certificates the following options are available:


Choose between test or live environment. The test environment generates invalid certificates and is therefore suitable for testing the settings and functions.

When changing the environment, it may be necessary to remove existing certificates in the /etc/ssl/keyhelp/letsencrypt/ folder. 
Afterwards, the task "Maintenance of SSL/TLS certificates" should be started, see  Panel Tasks Intervals .


Select the country to be used in CSR (Certificate Request).

State / province / region

Specify the information required for the CSR in terms of state, province or region.



Administrator email

Specify the administrator email address that KeyHelp uses as the sender address for automatically generated mails.

Send 'Mailbox has been setup successfully' email

When setting up a mailbox via KeyHelp, a welcome email is automatically sent to the newly created mailbox. You can use this function to prevent this behavior.


To apply your settings, press the button:

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