Domain Overview

Here you can manage your domains and create subdomains. Clicking on the domain name opens it in a new browser window.


To create a new subdomain, click on the button:


To delete all selected subdomains, click on the following button:


To view access and error logs, click here:


Icons and Columns Meanings

The domain is currently configured on the server. It is not yet operational / the changes have not yet been implemented.

The domain has been configured correctly in the system and is ready for operation.

An error occurred while editing the domain.


Displays the directory assigned to the domain. When forwarding is enabled, the URL of the forwarding destination and the forwarding code are displayed.


  An SSL/TLS certificate has been assigned to the domain. The name of the assigned certificate is displayed while hovering the mouse pointer over the lock icon.

  The protection using a Let's Encrypt certificate is activated.

  Indicates that automatic forwarding to the SSL/TLS-secured URL of the domain is active.

  HTTP Strict Transport Security, which tells browsers to access the domain only via a secure connection, has been activated.

PHP version

Displays the PHP version used for this domain.

Note : This field is only available with PHP enabled.

Editing the domain, such as setting up a forwarding or changing a directory.

You can customize the DNS zone for this domain. Currently the standard DNS template is used.
A click on this icon takes you to the DNS Zone Editor.

You can customize the DNS zone for this domain. Currently, custom DNS settings are used.
A click on this icon takes you to the DNS Zone Editor.

Deletes the domain.

A confirmation prompt appears. The assigned directory is NOT deleted.

Note: You may only delete subdomains you have created yourself, all domains and subdomains assigned to you by an administrator may not be deleted.

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